Monday, February 18, 2013

Soccer Girl Problems

 If you're a girl and play soccer, I'm sure you've heard of SoccerGrlProbs. Just in case you haven't, they describe the life of a soccer girl to the dime. They started off as a twitter account and now have 2 YouTube videos that have gotten over 2 million views, and a clothing website. When I first saw their twitter account, I couldn't stop reading all of their tweets. They were so funny and I could relate to almost all of them!

They describe every girl soccer player.
 At almost every practice, their would be at least one soccer girl problem quote. And once a quote was said, they kept going on and on and on. Every time a girl would say one, everyone else would start cracking up with laughter because we all knew exactly what they were talking about. I remember one time we had a practice where the video had just come out the day before and we couldn't stop quoting them! It pretty much drove our coach insane but it was so funny we couldn't stop! If you want to know what I'm talking about then you should probably go watch it.

It pretty much describes a soccer girls life.
 In continuation to this video, there is a part 2. I definitely like this one better but the other is just as good!
 We all know how crazy referees can be, so just to be a little clearer these girls also made a video called Refs Do the Darndest Things. Might I say that this one was pretty funny as well. It really just shows how insane refs can be.

It's too funny.
 In addition to the videos their online website for clothing is pretty awesome as well. My favorite shirt that they sell says "I can't I have soccer". I've said that plenty of times before. Its fun just to think of all of the hilarious things they've said and relate them to the times they've happened to you. Once a soccer girl, always a soccer girl-and the problems that come along with it. 

1 comment:

  1. You seem to miss the biggest soccer-girl-problem of all and that's drama. Sweet lord, nothing else in AL causes more drama than the soccer program!
